Time Activities

Field Descriptions

QuickBooks Field Label QuickBooks Field Description
Date TxnDate Date of the transaction.
Name Name * Reference information for the Entity associated with the Time activity. Associated entities can be Customer or Vendor or Employee.
Time Time * Time value. Valid values include 5 (5 hours); 5:30 (5 hours and 30 minutes); 5.5 (5 hours and 30 minutes).
Start Time StartTime Start Time, should be in hh:mm am/pm or hh:mm formats only
End Time EndTime End Time, should be in hh:mm am/pm or hh:mm formats only
Description Description Description.
Billable BillableStatus The billable status of the expense.
To make it billable use any of the following values: 1, t, true, y, yes, billable.
To make it non billable use any of the following values: f, false, n, no, notbillable.
To make it already billed use any of the following values: 2, hasbeenbilled.
Field default is not billable.
Customer Customer * Reference to the Customer associated with the time activity.
Item ServiceItem Reference to the item associated with time activity.
Billing Rate HourlyRate Billing rate per hour
Taxable Taxable The taxable status.
To make it taxable use any of the following values: 1, t, true, y, yes, tax.
Field default is NON(non taxable).
Location Location Department associated with the transaction.
Class Class Reference to the class associated.